Attorney Profiles

Peter J. Epstein, Esq.

      Peter J. Epstein is a Boston-based communications attorney, specializing in cable television and telecommunications law, primarily for municipalities. He is in the firm of Epstein & August, L.L.P. He is a graduate of George Washington University and Suffolk Law School. A member of the Massachusetts bar, he has worked with hundreds of Massachusetts and New England communities involved in various stages of the cable television regulatory process, a majority of which have involved the cable television renewal process. He has also represented communities involved in the cable television transfer process, license amendments, license compliance, right-of-way regulatory work, public, educational and governmental (“PEG”) Access matters and a number of other cable and telecommunications related matters. He has incorporated and helped develop scores of non-profit PEG Access corporations.


     For many years, he served as both in-house and then outside legal advisor to the City of Boston’s Office of Cable Communications. He was also involved, first as its legal counsel, then as President, in the establishment of a Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (“NATOA”), which (among other things) monitors the latest developments and activities in the cable and telecommunications field for municipal officials. NATOA is active in lobbying for and against cable-related legislation and regulations, as well as filing comments with the Massachusetts Legislature and the Massachusetts Cable Television Division. He has drafted several pieces of legislation favorable to municipalities. He has also served on NATOA’s Legal Affairs Committee.


     He speaks annually on cable and telecommunications issues at a number of conferences and seminars. He has written several articles on cable television matters, including two articles for the Community Television Review, as well as for the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s journal.      


     Mr. Epstein also serves as an elected official on the Brookline Board of Library Trustees, of which he has been Chairman for the past several years.


William August, Esq.

     Bill August is a partner at Epstein & August, LLP, a law firm concentrating in the representation of municipalities in cable television and related telecommunications matters.  Bill August represents municipalities in cable franchise renewal and cable regulatory matters and is a recognized leader in municipal cable television law.  Mr. August was previously General Counsel to the Massachusetts Cable Television Division, served as the Cable Division's first municipal assistance coordinator, and was also General Counsel to Action for Children's Television.  Bill represents numerous municipalities in telecommunications right-of-way management proceedings and has worked closely with the Massachusetts Municipal Association on several cable and telecom projects. 

     Bill is co-author of a Municipal Law Treatise chapter on Telecommunications Law and he authored law review and numerous articles on communications law and has been a speaker at conferences on cable television and telecommunications law.   He has chaired Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting workshops on telecommunications and cable television law.  Bill is a graduate of Princeton University, A.B. '76, Phi Beta Kappa and Harvard Law School, J.D. '80.